Rural Free Delivery

McDuffie Turns 150

Join us in celebrating the 150th birthday of McDuffie County! We will be sharing historic highlights from the county (like the one below) over the next year.

RFD Mail Wagon

RFD Mail Wagon


The Rural Free Delivery of Mail

This free delivery of mail to the homes of rural districts is of inestimable value to the people of our county, as it is to all communities where it serves. McDuffie County has a peculiar interest and pride in this system, other than the local benefit derived, in that it was originated by a McDuffie man. The rural free delivery by mail, which is now regarded as one of the most powerful agencies of civilization on the American Continent, was born in the heart and mind of Thomas E. Watson of Thomson, McDuffie County. While a member of the 52nd Congress of the United States, on February 17, 1893, he introduced into the House of Representatives and secured the passage of a bill appropriating ten thousand dollars as an experiment for the free delivery of mail outside of towns and villages. This was the first resolution ever passed in this country along this line and was the foundation of the present system.  The real value of this system can only be determined by talking with those people who suffered the inconvenience of the former method.  Many lived long distances from the post office, and most of these offices were supplied with mail only once or twice per week.  Many who lived comparatively near an got their mail but with no regularity.  The people of the rural sections were practically isolated. Aside from the pleasure denied them by not being in touch with the world as now, the delivery of mail is of particular economic value in that it keeps them informed about market values.

Errata: The bill for RFD was proposed on March 3, 1893, but it did not come to fruition. That did not happen until 1896.

Thomas E. Watson

Thomas E. Watson


More stories about McDuffie County can be found in the book: McDuffie County, Celebrating 150 Years: Over 200 sketches and stories of the people and places of McDuffie County in celebration of its founding on October 18, 1870. Compiled by Lewis & Joann Smith.